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Campaign Design

As we traveled to Keith's out of town baseball games, we noticed that every time we saw a hawk on the car ride to the game, Keith would hit a home run or make a good play. It eventually came to symbolize "Good Luck" for him. Like most baseball players, rituals and superstition are what defines their individual identity, so we chose the hawk to represent The Missing Mann Project in both theme and visual identity. It's something that holds a significant amount of meaning to both our family and to Keith, since it became one of Keith's game-day rituals. 


After his disappearance, the hawk has given our family a new symbolic meaning of hope. Spotting a hawk in the sky or perched on a pole serves as a peaceful reminder of Keith; as if he were right there with us the whole time.


Below are the most recent promotional/advertising designs we have created to raise awareness for the project.

Facebook Ad, May 2013.


Times Record News, May 11, 2013. Print.

Contact Cards, 2013. Print.

The Hawk

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Designed by: Brittany Mann @